Health is a state of body.

Wellness is a state of being.

- J. Stanford

You have reached the second week of the program! Hope you are doing well 🙌

Today we are gonna dive into the first food group of MyHealthy Plate, carbohydrate ✅ Scroll to find out more on what better carbohydrate options there are to fill your plate!


The first quarter of the plate, Carbohydrate!

Always go for wholegrain as the choices of your carbohydrate, here are the benefits you can get when you choose wholegrain.



1. Rich in dietary fibre

  • Eating fibre-rich food delays the absorption of carbohydrates. This helps to stabilise blood sugar levels.

  • Fibre also prolongs the feeling of fullness. This prevents us from overeating, which helps with weight management.

2. Whole grains are filled with vitamins B and E, iron, magnesium and calcium.

  • The B vitamins support the breakdown of carbohydrates in the gut. Folate is one of the B vitamins and promotes the formation of new cells. Vitamin E is an antioxidant, thus offers protection against free radicals (which can cause illness and aging). Both these vitamins help to maintain a healthy immune system.

  • An example of a wholegrain is brown rice, which has 5 times more fibre and 2 times more iron than white rice.

3. How to identify food options that contain wholegrains?

  • Keep an eye out for these symbols when ordering food at hawker centres and when buying groceries at the supermarket.


Carbohydrates (Wholegrain):

Other good carbohydrate sources:

It is never too late to start exercising.

Start slow, keep going and you will discover the ability to do more and feel better in no time.

Try these 7 easy exercises at least twice a week to improve your fitness

Don’t forget to fill up

your survey form!

For this week, please help us to fill up the Exercise survey that’s found in your WitzGO App! This will give us a better gauge on your fitness level and help us curate a better plan for you!